
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Big Announcement

Hi Everyone,

I can now tell you something that has been in the works for a while now.  Do you remember early this year when I was making Monique Dillard's free Block of the Month, The Blogger Girls BOM?

Here it is, in case you forgot.  It was a really fun quilt to make as each month we got a new block pattern and then made it twice, altering the fabric placement to get two completely different looking blocks.

For example, this is one set of blocks.  You can see how different you can make them.

Well, if you follow Monique's blog, you may have read where she announced that she is doing it again, beginning in January.  This time, she asked me to be one of the featured blogger girls!  Nothing like this has ever happened to me before and I was thrilled and pleased that she would ask me!  I thought it over for a few seconds and then agreed. 

This time we are still making a block two ways, but it was up to us Blogger Girls to pick a block and Monique designed the setting.  Also, the blocks are only going to be 6" finished instead of 12."  The finished quilt will be 59" square.  I hope that some of you join in!  I think it will be lots of fun.  If you don't, though, I hope you don't mind reading along.  I'm sure that Monique will be putting out the fabric requirements soon, and when she does, I will share a link. 

While I didn't think anything else could be as exciting and amazing, it turns out that the wonderful Moda Lissa--Lissa Alexander from Moda fabrics, is going to provide some of the fabric.  I get to use the fabric that I've been drooling over for several months now.  It is out in January and is none other than the new Minick and Simpson line, Grant Park!!!  I think it is the prettiest fabric I've seen for ages and I have saved the money I made working the election to buy a fat quarter pack.  I'm not kidding, either.  It was my plan all along, so whenever I dealt with any persnickety people at the polls, (and when my alarm went off at 4 AM that morning) I whispered "Grant Park" to myself. 

I made the this year's version out of fabric that I had on hand (except for the background--the quilt required more than I had on hand) and I loved the result.  This time, using such wonderful fabric, I know this quilt is going to be a stunner. 

Oh, and just a tip:  If you ever get completely excited and text your husband, "OMG!!  I think I'm having a heart attack!  I feel like I just won the quilt lottery!!!"  You may expect an immediate phone call asking if you are okay or need to go to the hospital.  I guess since I'm over 45 now, I need to leave off the whole "heart attack" thing.  But really--while I wasn't exactly jumping up and down, I was doing a lot of bouncing around.  I was so wound up that I couldn't settle to doing too much, so I began making a few more of Lori Holt's portable design boards.  I love them!  You can find the tutorial here or watch a video here

Have a great day!


  1. Congratulations! And lovely finish, too!! NO, never start a conversation with 'heart attack'.

  2. How thrilling for you! I will definitely be following along.

  3. Hey, that's really cool! Will look forward to seeing this unfold. I'm a fan of the smaller, 6 inch blocks so I may even join in.

  4. Congratulations... that is super exciting! Your quilt last year was beautiful made from those blocks. The M&S fabric will be wonderful. And of course you had to have it!

  5. HOW EXCITING !!!! Congratulations !!!

  6. That's so great!! Congratulations - you deserve it. Your work is lovely :)

  7. This is totally awesome! Congrats, JoAnne! And I can totally understand you'd be bouncing around after hearing about it! Your quilt came out so great......I can't wait to see what the next one will be! And I just might have to join in, too! I love the smaller blocks idea!

  8. How wonderful for you!!! I'll try to sew along!

  9. Congratulations! How exciting for you! I love Minick & Simpson's fabric and Grant Park reminds me a lot of their Wiscasset line from a few years back. I'm sure you'll make a gorgeous quilt.

  10. First I love your Blogger Girls Quilt! It is stunning!! Second, Holy Cow!!!! I would be over the moon, too! Look forward to seeing the your blocks and hopefully trying to follow along with you! Congratulations JoAnne!!!

  11. This IS so exciting JoAnne! Your big quilt from last year is beautiful and I look forward to following your progress next year.

    I'm also looking forward to my own requisition of Grant Park :)

  12. I am totally thrilled for you--not only are you a Blogger Girl, but you get to make your blocks using Grant Park....awesome!!!! Congratulations!

  13. exciting for you! I just might have to play along!!

  14. How great for you to be selected as one of the Blogger Girls! And getting to use Grant Park? Double bonus! congratulations. I may not participate this time, but I will follow along.

  15. Wowza girl!! Way to go!!! I'm so very happy for you and you deserve it!!! Not sure if I can join in - but you can bet I'll be watching!!

    Blessings and hugs!

  16. I somehow missed this post, but after reading your latest post I had to come back and see what the excitement was about. Congrats, girl!
    And I laughed about your election worker money going to quilting! That is exactly what I do! Over the years it has paid for shop hop purchases, fabric splurges, or gone toward purchases for my sewing room, such as a cutting table, or sewing chair. We do what we have to do!

  17. I love these sort of blocks where you play around with colours and get a 'new one'! What a buzz, I'll look forward to seeing what you all come up with! I love your first flimsy from this year's one :-)

  18. Congratulations!!!

    I love your version of the quilt!

    I still have to finish joining my top all together!

  19. Conratulations! What an honour. I can't wait to see the quilt along. I loved her patterns this year and printed them all out. They are saved away for when I have time (maybe when the kids leave home, or I don't need to work anymore?!).
