
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Post Thanksgiving

Hi Everyone,

I'm back home from our trip to visit family for the holiday.  It was fun, but pretty busy.  We traveled from here to Indianapolis last Tuesday--right through that winter storm Boreas!  We had rain and snow, but luckily not freezing rain.  It is more than 12 hours to get there, and it seems to take forever.  We arrived in time to check in to the hotel and collapse.  The next day, Wednesday, we finally saw our daughter!!  It has been since last Christmas that we last saw her, so I was really excited.  Wednesday was also my Mom's 70th birthday, so we all met to celebrate with dinner out and then cake at my daughter's apartment after.  The next day was Thanksgiving, and we drove up to my sister's house for that.  Friday was her baby shower, which I was co-hosting.  Did I go out shopping at all on Black Friday?  I didn't get up early, but I did go to one store which had Carter's baby clothes "buy one get two free."  Saturday was a day to spend with our daughter.  We went out shopping, had dinner, and played some games.  All too quickly, it was over.  Sunday was another long travel day to get home.

I was a bit "put out" sitting in the car on Sunday.  I kept thinking about all the things I could be doing like getting out Christmas decorations, quilting, etc.  Instead, I was just sitting in the vehicle.  It felt like a big waste of time.  Luckily, the weather was great for the drive home.  The other drivers were the problem--there were some really reckless people on the road.

I had every intention of posting yesterday, but in the end, I think I needed a "mental health" day and managed to get only the necessities done (like the laundry.)  I think I have everything done and put away so maybe today I can get into my sewing room (after I go get groceries.)  I still have a few Christmas presents to make, and there are a few projects that I'm really excited to get started (and finished.)

I've been wanting to show these for a while:  I joined another postcard swap--this one had a Christmas theme.  I was partnered with Bobbie, over at From This to That.  This is the card that she made for me:

I love the trees!  The fabrics are great.  I love Christmas things made without using Christmas fabric.  It shows much more creativity!

Look what she did on the back!

More artwork!  I love this--it is the best postcard back I've ever received.

This is the card I made for her.

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving or just a great weekend if you didn't celebrate.  Come back tomorrow as I have a really exciting announcement!!

Have a great day,


  1. So glad that you are home safely!!! Driving is treacherous out there!!! So happy that you had such a grand time with your family!!

    The post cards are wonderful!!! I have wanted to dabble in them, but just haven't ventured there!


  2. Welcome home and glad you had a wonderful time ... LOTS of family activities! Yes, I don't know if it is just me getting older but I am finding drivers are more and more reckless ... they don't seem to realize that an accident can happen so quickly. LOVE the postcards. I agree with you that using fabrics that aren't traditional is much more fun ... Bobbie did a great job on the one she sent to you. Really like the patchwork background on yours ... what did you use for the "snow" in the snowman? Have a great week! Linda

  3. mom celebrated her 70th birthday the day AFTER Thanksgiving! We have even more in common. :) Glad you had a nice visit with your daughter. :) I totally get needing to regroup and that's out of your system and you'll be back in to the swing of things in no time! Love both of those postcards!

  4. I love those postcards. They are so clever and such a great use for scrap bustin'. I guess they will be one more item to add to my to do list. Sheesh!

  5. It must have been so wonderful to see your daughter and enjoy the holiday together.

  6. Glad you had a good time visiting with family over Thanksgiving and are home safe and sound now!

    Love both those postcards.. very cool indeed!

  7. Woo! That was quilt a trip, maybe a couple of mental health days. Great postcards.

  8. Glad you had a couple of days with family , it is hard being that far . Love both postcards , very creative indeed . Thanks for taking part .
