
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Some Fun Quilts from the Show

Hi Everyone,

I'm back with another post about the quilt show.  Yesterday I put the house back together and did some cleaning and then the mail came with a VERY exciting package which I will share with you later this week.  Today I need to work on some holiday sewing--two nighties for my nieces to be exact.

Back to the show.  Today I want to share some pictures of some really neat quilts. 

This white-on-white was done on a long-arm machine.  See the dog in the middle?  The artist did this as a tribute to the rescue dogs of September 11.  The card says that the dogs who were there to search for people weren't finding any and the handlers worried that the dogs were disappointed, so volunteers hid in the rubble to give the dogs someone to find.  I'm not sure if this is true, but I'd like to think it is!

I have three or four books on making pictorial quilts, but I still haven't attempted it.  I love these birds!  It is such a bright and happy quilt.
This was one of the quilts from the crayon challenge that our guild sponsored.  It was made by the artist at the retreat I went to back in August.  It was fun watching her work on it.  The details are extraordinary.  The petals of the dogwood are dimensional and the centers are beaded.  There are lots of other beads all over the quilt.
Another pictorial quilt.  The card on this one said it was a pattern.  Nevertheless, the fabric choices were perfect.  It won a ribbon, too, third place for wall quilts.
More fun techniques in this dimensional applique piece.  The handle and trim for the basket is strips of braided fabric.  The large, round flowers are ruched.  I thought it was effective on the simple background, so no details got lost.
Finally there was this fun quilt.  It was from a challenge.  The challenge was to make a gold-colored quilt containing yo-yos and featuring a sport.  It looks sort of Celtic or something, right?  It is obviously gold and you can see a group of yo-yos in the center, but what is the sport?  Time to get closer:
It is easiest to see in the corners.  Ladies.  Synchronized Swimmers!  The center "circles" are also swimmers.
Isn't it wild and fun?!!  And the workmanship is exquisite! It should have won a ribbon, but I don't think most people read the card and "saw" the swimmers.  I didn't until the artist who made it came by while I was looking at the piece and she asked if I saw the ladies.
I'll be back tomorrow with one more post featuring some "challenges" for you. 
Have a great day!


  1. More great photos of some amazing quilts. Thanks again for sharing!

  2. What a creative selection of quilts. My favorite is the scene with the fence, but the swimmers are intriguing.

  3. Those swimmers are so funny (and clever!). I don't think I would have seen them unless it was pointed out to me, either. I love your pumpkins on pedestals from yesterday and seeing your beautiful Dresden quilt hanging--great show!!

  4. Two interesting posts, JoAnne. (Sorry I am very behind in my reading!). So neat to see your quilt up in the last post. I think the fence one here is really neat but also love the others as well. Do love that dog in the centre :-)

  5. The picture quilts are lovely! Some very talented gals out there!!!
