
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Hello Summer Day

This month's Schnibble pattern is Summer Day.  I love flying geese!  I love making them with Monique's Fit to be Geese ruler!  This quilt was so much fun to make.

For my fabric I chose Hello Luscious by Basic Grey.  I'm a scrapbooker, too, so Basic Grey and I go way back, but until I did Bibelot in Origins, I hadn't used much of their fabric.  I fell in love with the way Origins looked, so when Hello Luscious came out, I bought it right away.  The colors and patterns were perfect for this quilt.

Here it is on my outdoor bench on my lanai in Hawaii.  I love how the rhubarb shades of the fabric go with the red bench.

I'm combining the names of the pattern and fabric and calling this:  Hello Summer Day.



  1. Love it JoAnne! It's beautiful. I'm not quite done with mine yet... I hope to have the top finished this weekend, just in time for the parade early next week!

  2. Hello Summer Day is so pretty!

  3. Very pretty quilt, and love the name!

  4. Lovely quilt... looks wonderful on your lanai settee!

  5. Very nice! How smart are you to have it quilted already!
