
Monday, April 23, 2012

Guild Challenge

First of all, do you see what it says above this post?!!  I have 30 followers now!  I'm so excited.  Thank you all for reading this and commenting.  It is so much fun to make friends all over the world.  You all really make my day!

Second, thank you to all who wished my MIL well.  She arrived on Sunday, a bit tired but ready to see Hawaii and EXTREMELY happy to be outside of an airport.

We have been doing some sightseeing so no quilting is going on here.  Tonight, though, was the voting for our guild's challenge quilts.  Our show is coming up next month and we always have a challenge.  This year, we let the guild members vote on who will win.  The challenge quilts are always a big secret, but after the voting concluded, we were able to reveal who made which one.  All the quilts were incredible.  They were so varied, and it was very difficult to choose a favorite!  We were able to vote on three.  Of all the dumb days to forget my camera!  I did have my cell phone so the following pics are all from my phone.  Some are slightly blurry, please bear with me.  The parameters of the challenge were that you start with a 6" appliqued and embellished block and add three borders.  It could be no larger than a certain perimeter measurement, which I forgot.  Apparently everyone figured out that I made mine!  I don't understand why....   ha ha
This Patriotic one is mine.

This one was made in memory of last year's Japanese Tsunami, the artist, Margret, also has a quilt hanging in the show in Paducah.  She does beautiful work.

I love the creativity!  This one is a real working clock!

This one is made from a photo of three doves sitting on a branch.  Below is a closup of the birds.  They are made of countless beads.  

This dragonfly one was made by my friend, Rowena

Honu (Sea turtles) are really popular in quilts here.  Don't you love how she put her 6" block at a diagonal?  Again, so creative.

This one is by another of my friends, Kim.  I taught her back-basting applique.  Until then, she hadn't tried applique.  She is doing awesome!  And do you see the teeney, tiny half square triangles in the border?  Miniscule!

This one is by another friend, Maureen.  She is known to love blue and her husband was a bonafide Sea Captain!  They are really fun people to have dinner with.  I love her pictorial quilt.

I'm getting so excited for our show.  It opens in May, the Friday before Mother's Day.  Don't worry, I'll share lots of pictures then.



  1. Terrific quilts, especially yours, thanks for sharing! I'm always forgetting my camera or forget to take pictures at all.

  2. Wow... great quilts! Definitely a challenge of a challenge! Looking forward to seeing photos from the show in May!

  3. What a fun challenge.....and all of the quilts are SO different! I love that! Sometimes challenges are so confined, and all the quilts end up looking the same! This was a really good one! Thanks for sharing! Have fun with your Mom! :o)

  4. If you wanted to know how big the hst's finished at, it is 1/2 inch.
