
Monday, January 18, 2016

"I Pick You"

Hi Everyone,

So while I was on "hiatus" from blogging this past year, we had a major event.  My daughter and her boyfriend went to my parent's house for a weekend in late September.  They toured wineries and also went apple picking.  A fun time was had.  They went home and began unloading the car.  My daughter went to carry in a container of apples and found this.

Her boyfriend said, "I pick you!" (and some other romantic stuff.)  Anyway, he is now her fiance and we are in the middle of wedding planning!

The date is set

and it is coming up quickly!  We had a whirlwind of planning late last year.  They looked over options of venues and decided on the Children's Museum in their city.

They will have the ceremony in the atrium and then have the reception in the Dinosphere--so its going to have an elegant, (wait for it) dinosaur theme!  The colors are what I call "kiwi, cocoa, and khaki," acutally a moss green, medium brown, and biege --elegant earth tones.

We considered making her dress, perhaps including bits of my mother's dress (it was way too tiny for my sister and I or my daughter to wear) but when we went looking at patterns, we just couldn't find one that seemed right.  I must confess that I'm more than a little relieved to not have that project and all the stress it would create!  We went shopping instead.  I think it was amazing!  She tried on dress after dress and they were all beautiful; and then she tried on The Dress and that was just IT.  There was no question about any others.

She scoured Pinterest for dinosaur wedding ideas and came across a pair of shoes.  They were really expensive, so she made her own.

The heels are T-Rex dinosaurs!  She has been practicing walking around in them.  Her dress will cover them during the ceremony, but they will peek out during the reception.  She ordered the gold pumps and then purchased two dinosaurs the right size, carefully cut out a hole for the heel, and spray painted and glittered them.  They fit on so well, that they don't need to be glued, so they can be removed if desired.

Her dress is still here at our house for safe-keeping.  Today my project will be this:

Back nearly 30 years ago, when my older sister was getting married, I bought a card of three blue, heart-shaped buttons.  I sewed one on her dress.  A year or so later, I sewed this one on my dress.  I carried the third one around, kept safe in a a box in my cedar chest, for just about 15 years until my younger sister got married, when I sewed it on her dress.  Today I'm going to cut mine off my dress and put in on my daughter's.

Have a great day!


  1. Congratulations to the couple and mom & pop. What a sweet touch! Now that will be a different wedding theme - love the shoes.

  2. Ahh so sweet you and your daughter will share the same blue button. Sounds like plans are well under way

  3. What a happy story! The museum looks like a cool place for the wedding and reception.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. What wonderful plans to celebrate the joyous occasion! You made me tear up with the story about the button; do love it when sentiment is tied to wedding plans. Congratulations all!

  6. Wedding planning is so much fun! I know it's a lot of work too but when the day comes and everything falls into place it's awesome! I love your button story!!!

    Congratulations to all!

  7. What a sweet tradition with the blue button! Congrats and have fun with your wedding planning!

  8. I love that blue button idea!! We are in wedding mode too. My son is getting married in June, in our field that will HOPEFULLY be full of sunflowers! That is the plan anyway. Weather does play into it. My husband is planning to plant the sunflowers twice, 2 weeks apart, in hopes that half will be at their peak at the wedding date. We are already praying for no rain on June 18th!!

  9. Oh how fun! Enjoy the memory making. When my mom and I went wedding dress shopping, we had a plan to make it, but it just didn't seem right. I found "the dress" and what pressure it relieved. We did however make both of the dresses for the bridesmaids, flower girl, and vests for my husband and the ring bearer. I still have the purple cowboy boots I wore for our wedding and love them.

  10. The blue button is so sweet-what a great story to hand down. And I would love to visit the Dinosphere!

  11. What a fun theme for a wedding - will loo forward to seeing more photos.

    Love the story of the blue button. You need to write the story down and give to your daughter, if you haven't already.


  12. I guess we won't be seeing you at Mid-Atlantic, there's always next year. Best wishes for a delightful wedding. Love the button idea, you are so clever. Susan W-PPQG

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