
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Catching Up

Hi Everyone,

I've been a negligent blogger lately.  I've been doing some babysitting and not much sewing lately, so I didn't feel like I had much to write about.  I was still busy making dolls.  I had so much fun with the two I made that I got another pattern, this one for the Tiny Annie, and I've made seven of them.

I gave 2 to my nieces for Valentine's Day.

And since the neighbor girls are young and have red hair, I gave them each one, too.

One day a couple weeks ago, my friend Janice (we were friends in Virginia, but she moved to a cabin in Tennessee) came for a quick over-night visit.  (There was a family funeral down in Indianapolis.)  We had a great visit, but there wasn't enough time to sew together.  However, she brought the latest issue of Primitive Quilts and Projects.  I hadn't looked through it yet, and Oh Boy, it was full of fun projects.  One jumped out at me--A Noah's Ark scene made with wool.  After she left, I went out and bought my own copy of the magazine and set about working on it.  I pieced the background and used my machine to feather stitch over the seams.

Then I got my wool out and chose and prepped it.  It is now my travel project for bees.

Here I had just fused the camels and am now stitching them.

After a busy week, I was feeling like I was way behind in working on projects with deadlines.  I spent all day Friday in my quilting room.  I needed to make my final batch of spool blocks for my old bee in Virginia.  I missed the due date and feel bad, but I got them finished.  Our guild is having a rummage sale for the program next month, and my bee has a table to sell items, so I've been needing to have a really good sort/clear out.  I went through EVERYTHING.  I've been missing a few things since I moved, and I found them!  I also filled a large bin with items to sell.  I put away all of the little "piles" that have been accumulating and I straightened up some other areas.  I wound 7 bobbins and cleaned and oiled my machine.  Since I was cleaning, I took all the photos I needed to so that I can finally show you my quilting room here in the new house!  I will be posting that later this week!!  I'm really excited to show it off.

I'll be back soon!


  1. Oh my GOSH!! I LOVE your little dolls--TOO adorable!!! And your Noah's Ark is going to be beautiful as well. You have been BUSY!!! I need to get busy, too. HAHA

  2. Your dolls are so cute, JoAnne. They have a whimsical touch to them. Your Noah's Ark will be beautiful!

  3. Wow, the dolls you made are so cute. They look quite fiddly to make, so many small parts. You did a good job. And I bet you feel good about cleaning out and organizing your studio. I always feel like that is such a satisfying accomplishment.

  4. Very cute Tiny Annies!
    I love that Noah's Ark pattern, too. But, unlike you, I haven't done anything about it. : )

  5. Glad to see a post from you again. The little dolls are adorable, bet all the girls loved them.
    Looking forward to your sewing room tour.

  6. I just love your Annie's - they are all so cute - love all of the different hairstyles and fabrics...just adorable! Can't wait to see some pics of your sewing space!

  7. Love your little dolls--so adorable! I understand the lack of posts--babies trump blogging!

  8. Missed you ... glad you're back. Need to spend time in my sewing room organizing as well ... I'm the Queen of Procrastination .....
