
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Hello, My Name is Cleopatra

Hi Everyone,

Cleopatra... as in Queen of Denial (the Nile.)

Yes we are moving this summer.  Yes my husband is retiring this summer.  No, we have no fixed plan yet.  Yikes!

Every time I start to worry about all of this, I just retreat to my haven--my sewing room--and work on something.  It has absolutely become my place of refuge, and I'm practically living in there.

It all got more real this week.  On Tuesday we had our appointment with Transportation--which in military life means when you go to schedule your move.  Since my husband is retiring, and no longer "important" we didn't have as many choices.  We could either do it the first two weeks of June (way too soon) or the last 2 weeks of July.  My husband is done working on the 5th of July, so our first plan was to pack up the end of June and leave the area in early July.  Now, though, we will keep the house a month longer and pack up the end of July.  The movers are actually scheduled to come on my birthday--what a great present! (sarcasm)  Actually, this new plan takes some pressure off and allows me to procrastinate longer.  Did you know that if you wait until the last minute, it only takes a minute?  Haha.  Yeah, sure.

As of right now, we are going to put most of our stuff into "Non Temporary Storage" which the Army will do for a year.  That will give us time to figure things out, buy a house, and get settled.  Finally.  I hope.  The biggest question is just how much of my stash can I get away with keeping out of storage?  In case we "camp out" for a bit in an apartment, I plan to have my Bernina, etc.  I have a few kits and I'll take my precuts, and maybe I can kit up a few major projects that I would like to work on.

So what have I been doing in my quilting room while avoiding life?  I'm trying to get some of my major projects finished.  Yesterday I spent the entire day making the 220 flying geese that I need for Talkin Turkey. Today I have had other things to do, but hopefully I can get back in there and start assembling the rows.

I had to photograph the huge pile of trimmings!  I also finished the flimsy of my Blogger Girl's BOM and I'm so excited about it.  I can't wait to show it to you next month!  Maybe I can get it quilted before then.

Have a great day!


  1. Time is flying! Good luck with preparing for the move WHEN you decide to think about it :)

    It's exciting when you think that the rest of your life is YOURS. No more going where the military wants / needs you to go. You get to choose where you want to be.

  2. So hard to feel like your life is on hold and you don't know where it will be taking you! Kitting up projects sounds like a very smart idea!
    Wow--that was a LOT of flying geese!

  3. I know that moving can be very stressful. I can't but help being selfish in hoping it's close to Denver! Good luck regardless.

  4. When we retired (2 years ago) I moved to the house we'd purchased in Northern Michigan, we'd sold the house in Pittsburgh in record time (1 week!!) but my husband was working another 8 months so we had to get a short-term rental for him. That meant moving some stuff north and leaving other stuff, clearing out the house and cleaning it for the new owners. Then, 8 months later (in January with the snow flying) we filled a U-Haul with the stuff he'd kept in Pittsburgh and moved it north to our retirement place in Northern Michigan. I still, still, still have boxes piled in one of the bedrooms that have not been opened. I'm not even sure anymore what is in them!! I could probably give them to Goodwill and never miss anything. Don't stress. You may find where you want to land sooner than you think and be moving out of the temporary storage. It will all fall in to place. Welcome (soon) to civilian life ... as Jeanna put so well ... your lives are YOURS now ... YOU get to pick where you want to stay and what you want to do. But thank you BOTH for all your service over the years ... we are a grateful nation.

  5. Mine retired from an overseas assignment, two boys still in school, no job lined up, and we weren't moving to our hometown so no friends nor family to help. It all works out TRUST ME! Breathe!

  6. Wow, always a big "adventure" to move! Blessings on all your activities!! And enjoy the journey!!


  7. Looks like you're going to be very busy deciding what you need from your sash. Good luck with your house hunting. xxx

  8. heart goes out to you. I'm pretty sure I know everything you are feeling right now and I would be feeling the same exact way. Just take it day by day...or minute by minute and BREATHE. Things will work out...and you'll wonder why you worried so much. LOL Hugs!!

  9. Where are you moving to? Across town, or across country? We are moving in July-ish too! We have just bought a house. We moved back to my hometown five years ago and sold our first home to do so, and have rented since. We have finally found a home large enough for our family of five to buy. Our move is not far, just across this small town, but sometimes I think that's worse. If it was a big move we'd get removalists who do it all, but across town we'll have to do it all.
