
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Chores Over, Time to Play

Hi Everyone,

Yesterday was THE DAY.  I needed to get my packages together so I could get them sealed up and to the post office.  I had 4 to do, and had only started on 2 of them.  It always seems like the universe is conspiring against me on days like yesterday.  Amazingly, I didn't run out of packing tape, which normally happens, but as it was, I had to run out twice for different things that I had forgotten.

I kept telling myself that I would just do 2 of them, and put off the other 2 until Wednesday.  But, as things went, I found myself getting the other two ready, as well.  Finally, I was ready to head out just after lunch.  I considered my post office choices and went with one that I thought was less "off the beaten track."  In case you didn't hear, yesterday was the biggest mailing day of the year.  

Each year, I promise myself that I will be more "on the ball" but it never seems to work out. Anyway, I got to the post office and the line was out the door!  When I finally got to the door, I saw this posted:

In case you can't read it, it offers two important tips to avoid the seasonal rush.  1.  Arrive early in the morning  2.  Avoid Mondays.

I suppose I should have realized that since I wasn't taking their advice, I probably deserved to stand in line, however, once I got close enough to see things going on at the counter, I was amazed that they only had one clerk working!  And they wonder why everyone has switched to UPS or Fedex?

Anyway, after a good 45 minutes or so, I was done!!!!  Yeah!!  I also purchased my Christmas stamps for the cards and when I got home, I got busy writing the letter.  This is something else I always promise myself to do early, and yet it never happens.  Of course, I was stymied again when I wanted to print them and discovered that I didn't have any Christmas paper.  I considered for a minute just using regular paper, but in the end, we went out after supper and got some.  We got home, I printed, my husband signed, I addressed the envelopes (ok, I confess, I affixed labels), he folded the letters, I stuffed the envelopes, and they were done!  I only put the stamp on the wrong corner of 5 of them.  How in the heck can I possibly not remember which corner the stamp goes?  Good grief!  I guess I need the little square printed on the envelope to guide me.  What's worse is that it wasn't the first of the envelopes, either.  I'd gotten at least 15 stamped correctly before I switched sides.

Anyway, they are done and mailed now, too!  I feel so good.  I'm really glad that I didn't procrastinate with the other 2 packages.

Today I'm having a fun, fun day which I will write about tomorrow and then tomorrow is my quilt bee's Christmas party, so it will be even more fun!  I hope you are all out from under the crush now, too, and can just enjoy the season!

Have a great day!


  1. Sounds like you're on the ball, even if you did go to the post office on a Monday. Enjoy your play time!

  2. WooHoo! Sounds like you had a productive day and got lots done :-) Enjoy the fun time now!

  3. Sounds like you have been a busy girl!! Trying to get things together here as well - seems this year just flies by in all the craziness!

  4. Congrats on getting all the not-so-fun stuff accomplished yesterday! Wooo hoooo!!!

  5. Isn't that how it goes? The best laid plans...
    Packages are sent, mailing my cards today and still have one gift to finish. Doable!
    Interested to see what your fun day involves.

  6. I promise myself every year I'll be more organized with everything to do with Christmas. Am I ever?!
    I'm retiring from my job on Friday, yes this Friday, and my BD is Sunday, then Christmas....once next Wednesday is over I'm going to start organizing for next year by putting all the holiday decorations away neater and purging old things I'll never use again.

    I hope to start cleaning and purging my sewing room too......

    I wish you and your family a happy holiday!


  7. In my town, FedEx and UPS have contracts with the post office--so even when we pay for their shipping, they leave our stuff at the post office. If we're lucky, the P.O. has a package box/bin available, but most of the time it means I have to figure out a way to get to the post office when their counter is open, and then I have to stand in line. And, to add insult to injury, I often get a delivery notice from FedEx or UPS a couple days before the USPS decides to admit they have my package.

  8. A great feeling to get 'it all done'!! I've now finished my Christmas sewing and today is housework day I really feel like I am getting somewhere!!
