
Friday, December 27, 2013


Hi Everyone,

I hope you all have had a great few days!  We had a quiet, but really nice holiday.  It was just my husband and myself this year but we had friends over for Christmas dinner, so that was really nice.
It seems so strange that after all of that work--the decorating, the wrapping, the shipping, the cooking, the cleaning, etc. suddenly--it is all over!  Actually, we enjoy the season up until the First, but the radio stations that play Christmas music (sometimes beginning as early as November 1) turn it off at midnight on the 26th!  I would prefer that they begin it a week before Christmas, and let it play until New Year's, but I guess they are sponsored by stores who already have fitness equipment and Valentines Day stuff out on the shelves.  On our tour of Colonial Williamsburg, we learned that the Colonists didn't begin Christmas celebrations until the 25th and they continued for the Twelve Days until Epiphany.  Twelve days of parties and celebrations sound a lot better to me than a month of work and effort for one or tow days like we do these days.

Do any of you do anything to celebrate New Years Day?  When I was young, there used to be another big meal, but these days, we just stay up to watch the ball drop in Times Square and that is about it.  New Year's Day falls on one of our regular Quilt Bee days and we discussed if we would meet or not, and enough of us have nothing special going on and so we are going to meet!

 In the "old Army" days (which I can remember from our early years) it was Tradition to pay calls on the Commander on New Year's Day.  I can remember getting all dressed up and then assembling in units outside of the homes and waiting for our "official" time to go in.  Once inside, we would go through a receiving line and then visit with everyone and have punch and appetizers/cookies.  When the assigned time was up, we would all troop out en mass and see the next group outside waiting for their time.  Over the years that evolved into similar parties, but more casual--the football games may be on in the "den" area.  Then it changed to other days.  Sometimes it wasn't done at all.  Last year, they did it a few weeks later in the middle of a Saturday afternoon.

At any rate, I am digressing.  I was going to write about our Christmas--not the rest of the upcoming week!  In particular, I wanted to show you some of the wonderful, quilty gifts that I was lucky enough to receive!

One of my sisters lives near Temecula, CA.  You may remember that she went to the Temecula Quilt CO. for their Blue and White quilt show when my quilt was hanging.   She did her Christmas shopping for me while she was there!

 She picked out some lovely blue fat quarters and got this fun alphabet quilt pattern!

She also picked up one of these long, divided ruler boxes from the shop, too.  Santa was kind enough to put the other two in my stocking!  I was not disappointed to get two of the same thing, instead I was delighted!

I'm not sure yet how I will use them, or what I will put in them, but the three of them fit nicely together if I want to put them in a drawer.  They are way too cute to be hidden away, though!
If you find yourself falling in love, you can find them here.

My other sister gave me an Amazon card.  I have quite a few quilt books sitting in my cart, so now I can choose just which ones I want and order them!

My parents got me this.  

Yes, it is a rolling tool chest.  I learned about the quilt value of this from this post by Karen at Moose Bay Muses.  When I read it, I immediately called my mom, since we don't have any Menards around here.  She got it for my Christmas present.  Notice that Karen also mentions the TQC ruler boxes and how they fit nicely into this!

My husband gave me a quilt retreat visit at the end of January!  Okay, perhaps I arranged this one my own and asked him if he would like to give it to me.  I would have to say the buying gifts is not my husband's strong point.  However, I have learned that I can help him get exactly what I want!

He was the recipient of this year's best gift, again from my mom.  I will write about that later, though, on one of those days when I don't have much else to write about.  It is worthy of a post all it's own!

The past week or two, once the crush was over, I have had time to do some sewing.  I have gotten several things done lately and so I will show them to you next time!  I need to do some good photography today while the sun is shining!

Have a great day!


  1. The rolling tool chest is wonderful. I look forward to seeing what you put in it.

  2. What a lucky gal you are! I just love the rolling tool chest. I'm trying to figure out how I can justify getting one!

  3. Interesting post - neat to hear about different traditions and so on! You sound well pleased with your gifts. New Year's eve for us is usually pretty quiet as well, there are always cows to milk first thing the next morning!! (I have a ruler box too and love it!)

  4. Your blue fabrics are awesome! I will have to enlarge the picture of the pattern and see what that's all about :)
    So, what will be going into the tool box? That's another interesting "quilting" item :)

    I joined an embroidery BOM with Temecula about 6 weeks ago and when I got my book, floss, needles etc. they sent everything in one of those ruler boxes. I love how vintage (y) they look. I have mine on the shelf right above my cutting table with some old wooden empty spools of thread. I love how they look just sitting there :) I know there's a guy on Etsy that makes ruler boxes and I bought 2 for some friends for their birthdays but not for myself...go figure :)
    I would love to find one of those wooden tool boxes that men used to you remember them? When I show my mother some of my treasures she just shakes her head and tells me I'm an old soul, which I might be. I definitely think that sometimes I was born in the wrong era!
    At 59 I'm not old though...just my soul :)

    We used to have a big family celebration for NYE but with all of my family in Florida now except for 1 sister, Al and I started a tradition about 10 years ago and we just go out to eat early and then a movie and home by 10:00 or so. Nothing exciting but it's our tradition and we like it.

    I'm taking a short trip in January to Ft. Lauderdale to see Billy Joel in concert...have you ever lived there? Know of any good quilt shops? Hubby planned 3 extra days for us so I can shop hop :) a little retirement gift :)

    Happy New Year my friend...


  5. I agree the Christmas music started too soon. When hubby was i the hospital I thought I would scream if I heard I'll Be Home For Christmas one more time. Oh, how I remember the New Years Day Commander's Receptions. Didn't matter how late you partied New Years Eve, you better show up to the reception. I loved military life and miss those days.

  6. You received some very nice gifts! I've never seen the rolling tool chest before but can see how useful and convenient it will be.

    We always have the traditional ham and black-eyed peas on New Year's Day but on New Year's Eve we stay safely tucked away at home. That is when we aren't visiting family for the holidays. Even then we do not go out. I love being a homebody ;)

  7. Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas - and I bet that Temacula Quilt Co. show was amazing! We do not do anything big for New Years...we once in a while will have a dinner but for the most part, just bum around, eat junk, and stay up late! LOL Though I think the last couple of years even the Husband and I went to bed early...we're getting old I guess! LOL :)

  8. Great post! I was just talking to hubby about how much work, planning, shopping, etc., goes in to Christmas and it's over just like that. We don't usually do much on NYE...when the kids were home, we would invite another family or two over, and celebrate at home with games and finger foods. I don't like being out on the road with all the crazies! :)

  9. What lovely quilty gifts! The rolling cart looks very handy!
    I totally agree with you about the timing of Christmas music.

  10. I'm impressed--we don't even stay awake long enough to watch the ball drop. I love your blue and white things from Temecula (that alphabet pattern especially), as well as your other fun gifts!

  11. What wonderful gifts ! Love the blue & white fabrics ! We usually stay home for New Years watching the ball drop and drinking champagne. Happy New Year !

  12. Neat rolling chest. I can see how that would be handy on quilt retreats. Great gift from your husband too. I usually do the same thing and give my husband a specific list, but this year he surprised me and came up with great ideas on his own. Generally though, I only get quilting items from my family if I send them a direct link to the item in question. How nice that your sister picked out such wonderful items for you. Happy New Years!

  13. Fabric, notions, storage and a retreat! .....looks like your family pretty much covered it all. You are a lucky gal. I love that you "help" your husband with his shopping! That pattern is going to be sweet! ..and I am seriously coveting those boxes. I have several yardsticks at home that Mr. O is going to have to do his magic on, come spring!

  14. Lovely quilts presents you received. I clicked on the link to the rolling cart, and whilst it would be lovely I don't think I reallyNEED one, if they are even available in Australia. I was so spoiled at Christmas. My lovely husband bought me a new sewing machine, a Pfaff! It was a complete surprise because he kept telling me it wasn't in the budget, but the sneaky thing had it all worked out.
