
Thursday, August 15, 2013

I've Been Reading

.Hi Everyone,

In case you were wondering where I have been the past few days, I've been reading.  I should clarify that I have been reading with my eyes, not my ears.  While I quilt, I'm usually listening to audio books, but I've had a few books on my Kindle that I've been wanting to get to, and I started one over the weekend.  Just like I throw myself into quilting and work for hours, maybe spending enough time to do laundry and cook--maybe, I tend to loose myself in a book, too.  The book I began on the weekend was about one third read, so I finished it on Monday.

I love Emilie Richards.  Her Shenandoah Album series is fairly quilt-related and that is how I first discovered her, but since then I've read and kept up with most of her series.  I did miss this book from last summer though.  It was really good, but left me an emotional wreck.  I admire the talents of a writer who can draw me in so thoroughly that I'm sitting there sobbing, but goodness.  Whew!  I finished and was actually in mourning for a while!

On Tuesday I was busy.  I needed to do some housekeeping and then attend a back-to-school event (I was manning a table, not signing up anyone) and then I had to hurry home because I was getting guests!  Kristin LaFlamme, a very talented, and published art quilter who is about to have her very own show at a gallery in Charlottesville, VA, was coming to give a presentation for our night guild meeting.  I knew her in Hawaii and had recommended her to the guild, so she was going to stay with me.  She brought her two wonderful kids along, too, so that they could visit Colonial Williamsburg on Wednesday.  She arrived late Tuesday afternoon and we visited for about an hour and then went to dinner where we were joined by the night meeting's coordinator, and then went to the meeting.

 Her presentation was so great.  She selected quilts that chronicle her journey from traditional quilter to art quilter.  (She went to art school and comes from a very artistic family.)  Even as her style got more "free" you could still see elements of the traditional that she would still use.   I'm not sure about your guild, but ours can sort of be divided between traditional quilters and art quilters.  Kristin's presentation appealed to both.  I just wish I had been able to photograph some of it, but I was helping her by holding up the quilts, so while I got a great look at all the pieces, I wasn't able to take pictures.

We went back to my house for the night and the next morning I fixed breakfast and they set off to go to Colonial Williamsburg and then back home.  My husband had left Tuesday morning for a few days so I found myself with several days in front of me with no commitments and no one requiring anything from me!  So I began to read the next Emilie Richards book (the second in the series that the first book began.)

Luckily this one was every bit as good as the first, but not nearly as emotional.  Yes, I can give an accurate review because I read the entire thing yesterday!  This one even has some quilting in it.  I took one break to run to the library since they emailed me that one of the audiobooks I had requested was available, and then another break to talk to my husband.  He had interesting news:  there is a chance his army business won't be able to get finished by Friday so he will have to stay longer, giving him a free weekend where he is.  If that is the case, I'm going to fly there to join him.  The army sent him there in a government vehicle, so I can ride back with him.  I'm not sharing exactly where it is yet, however, it is on my top 5 places to visit list!  Please cross your fingers for me!  I'm trying to not get excited until I hear from him, but I'm afraid it isn't working.

That's all for now.  Since I have the new audiobook, I'm sure that I will spend most of the day in my quilt room, so I should have some quilting to share next time.

Have a great day!


  1. I do hope the trip with your husband is finalized, but I know too well how things can change quickly.

    I haven't read any Emilie Richards books: they sound interesting.

  2. Where ever it is you might visit, I hope it all works out!! So fun to have a quick vacation!! I have not read any Emilie Richards books....thanks for the recommendation!

  3. I haven' read any of her books, but I'll have to look her up. I'm another one who can get lost in a book. I have to be careful when I pick up one close to bedtime because I'm notorious for telling myself 'just one more chapter' until the wee hours of the morning!

  4. Ooohh...I tend to get into reading modes too. Thanks for these recommendations! Have fun visiting your hubby!

  5. All sorts of busy fun! I'm just about to purchase a Nook or Kindle, so that I can maybe get back into reading again.

  6. Oh yes, once I get my nose in a book, its hard to extract me! I have read several of Emilie's books but none of these you mentioned. I think I need to track down the Shenandoah series. I've never actually 'listened' to a book either but it does sound like something I need to get into.

  7. I'm a big reader too, mostly mysteries for pure pleasure. I hope your getaway works out and you have a good time!

  8. Reading is as addicting as quilting... I like fiction that includes actual historical events in the plot. Oh goodness, I hope everything works out so you can join your husband for a little getaway! Keep us posted!

  9. I hope you can join hubby. I know you will keep up posted!
