
Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Hi Everyone,

Yesterday was one of those days when I didn't get much time in my sewing room.  There was laundry to do and other tasks not nearly as enjoyable as stitching.  Finally in the afternoon, I was able to get some time in and managed to make some patriotic banners that I had pinned on Pinterest.

 If you are interested in the directions and seeing the original post, you can find it here.  The instructions weren't that detailed, though.  There were no sizes mentioned.  I ended up cutting my burlap pieces into rectangles that were 8" x 8.5."  I folded a half inch over and pressed it for the "casing" leaving me with an 8" square. 

Next I laid a ruler on the bottom edge, so that the edge of my ruler was 1 3/4" from the bottom.  I centered the flag along the edge and once it was where I wanted it to be, I used a glue stick to hold it in place.  I made six at a time.  Once they were all glued, I stitched the flag on with a zigzag stitch.  When I had six, I sewed them onto brown twine.  First I wrapped up about 18" of twine and clipped it with one of those red clips.  This would be the tie at one end.  Then I just sewed the burlap pieces one at a time around the twine.  I left another 18" at the other end for the other tie.  While I was zigzagging the pieces, I did some stitching over the twine to secure the burlaps so they would not slide off one end.  I made two strings of 6 for my porch.

I like the way they look, but I'm a little uncomfortable with this project.  In all of my patriotic décor I take care to treat any actual flags with respect.  I feel like this project may come up to "the line" or else cross it a little bit into the disrespectful zone.  I'm giving it a little bit of time to see how I feel.  If I continue to be unhappy with it, I will take it down. 
Since I was outside with the camera, I set up several photo shoots for later posts.  It wasn't that hot out, but boy was it humid!  I really hate humidity.  In about 5 minutes, I was dripping.  I persevered, though, since the light was good and now I have other things to show. 
When I was done with the photography, I got the mail and I found a nice package!  Doniene at Now It's Just Quilts had a giveaway a week or two ago and I won one of her small, patriotic quilts!   

 I enter giveaways all the time, but I rarely win, so I was really excited!  Doesn't this look perfect on my deck table?  It won't be staying there, though.  I'm going to have to find the perfect spot for it!

I really love that she put a personalized label on the back.  Isn't the backing fabric, with the patriotic bows, just the perfect thing!

Thanks again, Doniene!

Have a great day,


  1. I think your flags looks very nice, Donniene's patriotic mini is perfect for your decorating. She does such nice work..

  2. I like your flags too! You are displaying them very nicely. What a cute red, white, and blue mini from Donniene! Perfect for your collection!

  3. Boy, you lucked out with the giveaway!

  4. Congratulations on your new mini!

    I understand your concern about using actual flags for the banner. Since you are not using the flags for personal adornment and are displaying them as "flags" I don't think this crosses the line.

  5. I love your banner! I too understand your concern about the flags, I thinks it's very respectful....I found one that someone had tossed in the garbage all torn up and dirty...I washed it, and am thinking about draping it on my wicker plant stand...we'll see.

  6. I think your flag and burlap banner looks very nice JoAnne. Thanks for sharing it at my patriotic link party.

  7. Love the flag/burlap banner! Have been thinking about doing something similar!

  8. Your banner is beautiful! Thanks for sharing it! Hugs, Diane
