
Friday, May 3, 2013

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Hi Everyone!

Just a quick post as I'm busy in the sewing room.  I'm still working on the nine-patches and hopefully will finish today!  I have the whole day to myself and I'm so excited! 

I do want to share that this is my favorite time of the year!  It is the season for the Patriotic holidays--Memorial Day, Flag Day, and Independence Day.  I do a lot more shopping this time of the year because the Patriotic stuff starts appearing.  I need to start visiting antique shops as well as places like TJ Max, etc. 

Look what I found in the grocery store!
 Patriotic Pretzels!  The are shaped like flags, stars, and Liberty Bells!  I bought three bags!

Have a great day!

PS  I always appreciate tips about cool things that you see that I may like! 


  1. Hooray for the red white and blue!

  2. Fun--I'll have to look for those! I make the seasoned pretzels with the popcorn oil and ranch dressing powder and lemon pepper--yummy but probably not very healthy.

    1. Share the recipe, please! Those sound delicious for upcoming parties!

  3. I love Snyder's pretzels... I'll have to look for those in the store!

  4. Lol..I'm still eating the Christmas shaped pretzels.

  5. Love the patriotic pretzels!

  6. Snyder makes really tasty pretzels. Love the shapes ... fun!

  7. Love the shapes of those pretzels!I would like them even better if they were dipped in chocolate! Lol!
