
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Summer Reading List

Hi Everyone,

It's my favorite time of year!  No, in this case it isn't because of the patriotic holidays--I love this time of year because everyone seems to be reading!

I read all through the year, but it seems like many people have a special list for the summer.  I'm always looking for a good book or a great author.  I'm wondering what is on your list right now?

I thought I might share a few books from the quilting fiction genre--if there is such a thing.  These are all books I've read.  (I've linked the authors to their Amazon page simply to make it easy for you to see all their books.  I'm not promoting Amazon at all.)

Sandra Dallas:  The Persian Pickle Club, Alice's Tulips, The Diary of Mattie Spenser, Prayers for Sale, etc.  The Persian Pickle Club has the most to do with quilting, Alice's Tulips has some, too.  I love all of Sandra Dallas's books, though.  I especially enjoy listening to them.  I actually emailed her a few times and found her to be completely charming.

Jennifer Chiaverini:  Quilter's Apprentice, Round Robin Quilters, The Aloha Quilt, etc.   A classic quilter's series.  I have totally enjoyed many of them, and not enjoyed a few of the others.  I'm not exactly sure why I have "run hot and cold" with these books, but it just seems to be that way.  They are great, though, especially the first few. 

Earlene Fowler: Kansas Trouble, Fool's Puzzle, etc.   I began reading the Benni Harper books, and then would get away from them for a while, and then visit her again.  I enjoy them, but I tend to forget where I am in the series.  I don't think I've read a few of these and should visit again.

Emilie Richards:  Wedding Ring, Sister's Choice, Endless Chain, etc.  Emilie has written many books, but her Shenandoah Album series is the one with the quilt titles.  Those books drew me to her and I've read most everything else she has written.  I'm eagerly awaiting her newest.

Whitney Otto:  How to Make and American Quilt.  I'm sure many of you may have seen the movie, and while it was good, the book is so much better! 

Marie Bostwick:  The Cobbled Court Quilt Shop books--A Single Thread, A Thread So Think, etc.  I have only read the first one of these books, but I have several more on my Kindle that I'm looking forward to reading.

Other favorite authors include Diana Gabaldon, Lousie Penny, Joe Dereske, Judith Merkle Riley, J. A. Jance,  Rosamunde Pilcher,  Steig Larsson and Fannie Flagg. 

What do you like to read?


  1. I have not read all of the authors, but I love Sandra Dallas, Jennifer Chiaverini and Marie Bostwick. I also like Clare O'Donohue. Her books have a mystery theme.

  2. What a nice list of authors/books, JoAnne. I knew of the first two but the other authors are new to me. Generally I'm reading historical books, both fiction and non-fiction (to research for family history). But I do pick up fun fiction books occasionally. I'll add these to my list. Thanks!

  3. Maeve Binchy has been one of my favorite authors for years and years. I just finished her latest book and I was so sad to learn that it will be her last since she died last summer.

  4. A great list of authors - some I already enjoy but others I don't know so will have to try them out.

  5. I like to read series as well. Just finished the fourth book of the 'Inspector Ian Rutledge' series by Charles Todd. They're all set in post WW I England and he is a shell-shocked/tortured soul/Scotland Yard homicide investigator.
