
Monday, April 1, 2013

Follow Me, Please!

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

I'm jumping on the Bloglovin bandwagon.  Please feel free to follow me there--I'll add a button to make it easier.  If you aren't on Bloglovin, and are a regular reader and haven't "followed" me yet, I invite you to scroll down to the bottom of the page and do so.  I'm so close to having 100 followers and it is a milestone that I'm very excited to achieve.



  1. I believe I'm already a follower! Good luck with reaching 100 :-D you've got a great blog, no doubt you'll get there fast! Did you see we're back to Schnibbling?

  2. Glad you're joining Bloglovin', I really like it.

  3. We are not worthy! Great to get a shout out.
    Glad you are having fun with those different blocks.
    BTW: I am contributing 1/96th towards your 100 Followers ambition. Good Luck!

  4. Well JoAnne I've managed to set up an account and follow you. I think it may take me a while to get used to it. Melanie xxx

  5. I'm still in denial that Google Reader is going away. One of my core apps on computer and phone. I looked at bloglovin but haven't tried it yet. wherever I land I will always be a blog subscriber.
