
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Midatlantic Quilt Fest Post 2

Hi Everyone,

This is going to be another post full of "eye-candy."  I could probably share photos until the cows come home, but we don't want to get too bored. 

First up, One of my very favorite quilts at the show.  Not a prize winner, but the winner of my heart.  It is called "Daddy's Home."

One of my favorite exhibits was the selected entries from an International Quilt Challenge commemorating the Bicentennial of the War of 1812.  The quilt size was similar to what the soldiers in the Civil War carried, too.  That is, a quilt about the width of a typical sleeping bag.  They are referred to as "Cot to Coffin" quilts, I imagine because they were used with or without cots for the soldiers and then used to wrap the soldier for burial? 

This one.  Oh my.  It is made of hundreds and hundreds of teeny hourglass blocks. 

Here is a closeup of them.
I loved this exhibit for the Patriotic motifs that many contained. 


I especially liked this one, although I didn't seem to get a complete picture of it.  It was made by another Army wife.  She dyed the fabrics with natural substances like black beans, etc.  It has her husband's name on it.
There were some really extraordinary pictorial quilts in the main show.  
This one was so brilliantly "accurate" that I found myself trying to peer around the corner in that canyon.  Check out the quilting on it.
Another pictorial quilt was all about walking a dog.

Here is a closeup of the dog's head.  It really looks furry.

It was a real treat to see a completed version of "A Bountiful Life."  Especially since the passing earlier this month of the book's author, Karen Mowery. 

My parent's love visiting lighthouses, so I was drawn to this next quilt.  When I read the paper about it, I discovered that they are all the lighthouses of Chesapeake Bay. 

Finally, there is this:
Isn't it incredible and detailed?  The thing is, it isn't a quilt.  It is a wool hand-hooked rug!!!

That's it for today.  It seems I acquired a little surprise at the show--a cold-bug.  I thought I may be lucky this winter and escape being sick, but it seems my luck ran out.

Have a great day everyone!  I'll be drinking lots of hot tea and chicken soup.


  1. Thanks for the eye candy, JoAnne. Hope you feel better quick!

  2. That exhibit of cot quilts was at a show I'd been to a few months ago.....amazing quilts! I remember that hourglass block quilt.....tried to get a pic with my finger to show size, but it was all a blur! They were so tiny! I love it!

    Feel better.....lots of tea and soup.....hunker down with some old movies.....that always makes me feel better!

  3. NEVER boring ... thanks for sharing! Feel better ... just had a bout with that ugly cold/flu thingey myself. REST, tea, soup, liquids and more REST!! Be well!

  4. Great to see...thanks for posting....feel better soon!
