
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fabric Acquisition #1

Back a few days ago, I said I would share how I'm sorely being tempted by all the lovely fabric that is out now, and how I feel I could go broke if I'm not careful.

Several boxes have arrived on my doorstep in the past few weeks.  The latest one contained fabrics needed for my upcoming class.

Do you remember this?

This is the Old Elegance quilt that I'm taking a class to do in a couple weeks.  I liked the blue, but I also was leaning towards using red, as it is my favorite color.  I was hoping for red, but I needed something magnificent for the border with both colors in it, so I was leaving the final decision until I saw what was available.

I found this:
It is a Judie Rothermil, and a wide backing fabric, so I will be able to cut long borders without piecing them!  Best of all, though, it is the perfect mix of brown and RED! 
I perused my stash to see what else was needed and I found it to be somewhat lacking, so I had to order a fair amount of pieces.  This is the collection that I assembled:

I think it reminds me of one of my favorite treats--a chocolate-covered cherry.

Cherry colored fabrics.  These remind me of all the colors you see in the bin of bing cherries at the produce stand.   I usually try to get the darker red ones.  But the lightest red reminds me of the maraschino cherries that I use when making homemade chocolate-covered cherries.

The browns are the chocoate, of course.  From milk to dark.  Some have bits of red already  sprinkled in. 

Finally there are the creams and caramels.  I know, there isn't any caramel in a chocolate-covered cherry, but you can't go wrong with caramel. 
I think I'm going to get hungry while working on this quilt!

The class is going to run from 9 AM until 6 PM, so it will be a long day.  I may just need a bit of a treat to keep me going!

Have a great day!


  1. Nice selection of fabrics. It will be fun to see the quilt progress. Have fun and definite have a treat or two.

  2. Perfect choice of fabrics ! I like these much better then the blue . My favorite color is red too :-D Looking forward to watching your progress on this quilt

  3. Ooooo... major gorgeousness! I can see why these fabric acquisitions had to happen.....


  4. NICE fabric!!!! Wow!!! Delish!!! You have a great eye for color anyways...will be gorgeous!

  5. Red is my favorite color, love what you have chosen!! I will be following your progress since I had considered purchasing this pattern. I have some of those reds in my stash but I don't have browns. Am eager to see how the caramel works in the quilt too.

