
Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Hello Everyone,

I spent most of yesterday grocery shopping.  Yikes!  I'm not kidding, I spent over an hour and a half at the commissary.  (A commissary is a military grocery store, by the way.)  I had already been twice--both times with my husband.  I got a few things to throw together for easy meals and began re-aquiring basics like worchestershire sauce, vinegars, oils, syrups, condiments, cleaners, paper products, etc.  This time, I needed to buy those things I had forgotten before as well as stock up on pantry items, and buy meat and things that I actually meal-planned.  I was glad to not have my husband distracting me while I was concentrating.  I don't know the store that well and I didn't want to forget anything!  Anyway, I was there for nearly 2 hours and I won't even tell you how much the total was, but when the electronic swiper asked if the total was okay, I told the clerk "what if I say no?!!"  Ha ha ha.  Of course, when I got home and had to hump it all in the house, I was then missing my husband's help.  I got it in and all put away and I felt like I deserved some sort of reward!

Instead I had lunch, browsed online at ironing boards and covers, and then had to face the fact that the commissary didn't have some important items (they don't have the widest selection--and their produce is usually not the best, but the savings on most items is awesome) so I was going to have to go to Kroger.  I'm looking for the Bob's Red Mill steel cut oatmeal--the commissary had the gluten-free version, but it is twice as much as the regular version.  Kroger didn't have it, either.  I guess I'm going to have to do some grocery scouting and that takes time that I don't have right now!

Aside from shopping, I spent time the past two days in clearing off all the beds, (I covered them with stuff while unpacking) finding bedding, washing it, and making the beds once more.  Can I just tell you that I hate drying mattress pads?  They won't get dry.  The dryer senses that they are dry and stops, so I'm constantly taking them out, moving them so the wet parts are "out" and then starting the dryer again.  Ugh!  Next I went into the bathrooms and made sure that the "stuff" was put away, the toilet paper rolls were full, etc.  Then I hung the pictures and put the rugs down.

"Gosh," you may be thinking, "it sounds like she is prepping to have company or something."  Well, guess what?  I'm prepping for company!  My parents are bringing my neice for a quick visit before school starts.  I've known about it all along and we were hoping everything would get here in time so they could make the trip.  I'm looking forward to getting out and exploring the area a bit with them.  They won't mind that all the pictures aren't hung yet and all the ornaments aren't "arranged."  At least the beds can be slept in, and the kitchen is functional!  They will be here through the weekend and then I can get back to it on Monday. 

Have a great day!



  1. Use the timer feature on your dryer, this is what I have to do. Also I found that some things at stateside commissaries are just as much as downtown plus surcharges and tipping your nagger adds up. Watch regular store ads for some savings too. You may even find hamburger meat a better quality elsewhere.

  2. Bagger! Meant to say Bagger! Lol

  3. *lolI @ Quilt Hollow

    Glad you're getting settled in and that you have fun company coming!

    Local/regional food stores you may want to try:

    Farm Fresh
    The Fresh Market
    Trader Joe's

    Have fun!

  4. Sounds like life is getting closer to being more normal these days. Have a great visit with the family!

  5. Enjoy your company! How nice to be able to explore the area with family :-) Ah, the commissary! Do they still have one way aisles?

  6. So glad that this are coming together!! I'm sure it will be fun having your family for a visit!

