
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Blog Excitement

Hi everyone!  Yes, today is THE DAY that the movers come and deliver our 13 crates worth of stuff!  I'm going to be shoulder deep in cardboard boxes by the end of the day and I'm actually excited! 

I did want to take a few minutes to write to thank you all for becoming followers!  Yesterday I reached my 50th and it was so exciting.  I think I'm going to do a give-away as soon as I'm a bit organized around here.  That wasn't the only excitement, though.  The comments come to me via the email on my phone, so I get a notice when I recieve one.  Yesterday I was doing some things and heard an email arrive and when I was able to check it a little later, I could not believe it!  It was from Kate Spain!  She commented on my Schnibbles blog entry and the thing was, the parade at Sinta and Sheri's blogs hadn't been posted yet!  Man, was I thrilled!

Speaking of the Schnibbles parade, did you get a chance to check it out?  It is always so inspiring.  I am so pleased to be in such a group of talented people!   I have to admit that since making the 6 hour time change from Hawaii to Virginia, I did notice that I have to wait a little longer in the day to read some of my favorite blogs--but it hasn't been a problem until yesterday when I was waiting for the parade posts!  I finally realized that refreshing my computer every 5 minutes was not the way to go, so I took out my car (because I could, because I have it again!) and went shopping.  I spent time at Ross, TJ Max, Tuesday Morning, and World Market.  We had a Ross in Hawaii and a TJ Max just opened, but we didn't have the others.  It doesn't really matter, though, because it is always a treasure hunt at those sorts of places!  I didn't buy much, but I sure had fun.

Have a wonderful day everyone!



  1. Have fun unpacking all those boxes! My house has been in a storage unit for the past year! I can't wait until its time to unpack it and put it all away in my new home!

    I've been following your blog via Google Reader for a while now and am sorry that you had to leave Hawaii! That is definately one of the places that I want to visit someday. I can't imagine living in such a beautiful place!

  2. I laugh reading your posts because its like listening to my daughter. Her husband is military also and they just moved to Colorado Springs from Germany. Waiting for her car was an ordeal..and she got so excited over stores, even Walmart! She is still unpacking so I have been sewing for her new house and will fly to see her in a few weeks and help with curtains, etc. Have fun unpacking...hope everything made it in one piece!

  3. I'll be thinking about you today, Joanne... vicariously sharing your excitement to get all your stuff back. Hope everything goes smoothly!

    Congratulations on having 50 followers... so exciting!

    Kate Spain, huh? You rate, gf!

  4. That is awesome JoAnne!!!! I can hear the excitement in your voice! :-)

  5. Congratulations many times over!!! I noticed that Kate Spain commented :-) What an honor! I have way too much of her that possible?? And congratulations on getting your stuff! Woohoo! I know that is a huge relief......and a lot of work!
