
Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Mainland

Hi All!

I'm sorry I haven't been blogging much but what with hotel stays, airplane flights, and a six hour time change, things just don't seem "normal."  I have been having a few adventures and have taken several photos, but I don't know where the camera cable is right now.

We did make it here.  I'm currently at my parent's house on the shore of Lake Michigan, so there are still beaches in my life!  Our daughter drove up from Indianapolis for the Fourth--staying over night!  It was so wonderful to see her!  We will be heading down her way next week.  We did a traditional picnic for the 4th, but we ate inside.  I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but it is freaking hot here on the mainland!  Over in Hawaii, it was "80s everyday" as I described it.  It never gets too hot there, so we were a bit spoiled.  We are learning fast, though. 

I seem to be having a harder-than-usual time adjusting to the time change.  I'm taking no naps so that hopefully I can go to bed and fall asleep.  Last night it didn't work--I was awake until 3 AM.  Ugh. 

Living the resort life for a few days in Hawaii was awesome.  I indulged myself by having a one hour Swedish massage.  I figured if we save $300 by cleaning our house ourselved, at least I could spend a little on a massage.  (I've "earmarked" the rest for fabric, etc. but let's don't mention it to my husband...)

Here at my Mom and Dad's we are getting spoiled by the wonderful meals.  We had a chef's salad for lunch yesterday that my Mom created.  She makes awesome salads.  Mine don't even compare.  It had a small bed of fresh-picked from the garden lettuce;  chunks of real ham; fresh peas; blueberries; chicken; cheese; the most awesome, buttery avacado; grape tomatoes; bacon crumbled; green onions; and two kinds of nuts.  I probably forgot many other additions, but I know I couldn't even eat half of my plate of salad.  Yum!  Also there have been fresh raspberries and blueberries for every breakfast. 

I'm off this morning to have an adventure that will include some quilts.  I'm taking the camera and then will spend time looking for the cord so I can share.  I'm really excited about it!



  1. I'm glad to hear you've made it safely to the mainland... rest, relax, and enjoy! Catch up on your sleep... the camera cable will surface!

    PS - Does your mom do take-out salads?


  2. Welcome back to the "Mainland"!

  3. Glad you made it safe and sound! Enjoy your visits with the fam and looking forward to hearing about your adventure with the quilts.

  4. Welcome back. I've missed your posts. Mom's salad sounds amazing!

  5. Welcome back. I've missed your posts. Mom's salad sounds amazing!
