
Friday, May 18, 2012

More from the quilt show--Asian

I have now been to the quilt show 3 times! I went to the opening, and then on Tuesday with two non-quilting friends, and yesterday I "worked," or as we call it "sat the show." I have taken many photos and decided to break them down into several posts. Today I am focusing on the Asian-style quilts. Living here in Hawaii, we have a strong relationship with "The East" and it is always fun to see those quilts.

 This one (above) was done by a dentist in the Air Force.  Both he and his wife quilt!  Another surprise I got from my husband was when he looked at it and said, "Someone's been doing a lot of fussy-cutting!"

This one is actually a panel that was purchased in Japan.  The quilter used the open space in the printed blocks to do sashiko.  The results are amazing and you can't tell it is a panel at all.

More sashiko.  I got a kit while I lived here.  It is still in the package.  Maybe I will try it soon.



  1. Your hubby is too funny! I guess he's been paying attention, huh!?! Sweet!

  2. Lovely quilt show. It always amazes me when I hear my husband repeating "quilt talk" he hears from me or my quilting buddies. Nice to know they really do listen to our ramblings eh?
