
Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Palm Circle Quilt

Way back in October, you can read the post here, I shared the story of how I made this quilt.

I had it "long-armed" and donated it for our Army Spouses' Club's Historic Home tour.  The tour was today.

I volunteered in one of the houses--the occupant is a friend of mine, and a fellow quilter.  Before the tour began, the docents got to have a tour so we could see in all the houses.  You can see in the photo what they look like--although they are all a little bit different.  They are historic and were built in 1907.  It is so much fun to see the different ways the occupants have them decorated.  Military families travel so much and have so many different interests, and that is reflected in the homes.  Because they are so historic, they have features like butler's pantries, maids quarters, etc.  What I kept noticing was all the old, wavy glass panes in the cabinets.  In fact, I was going to call this post "Wavy Glass" because I saw so much of it today.  I love old glass.  Anyway, that was my plan.  Until the tour ended.

We gathered together at the conclusion to share stories, say thanks, compare notes, and eat.  (There were lots of delicious pupus--the Hawaiian word for appetizers/finger foods.)  One of the last things to happen was the drawing for the quilt. 

My Mom won it!!

Yep, I bought 3 tickets for me, and 3 for her.

That is just too funny/weird/exciting.   Now I'm relaxing because my legs are tired from giving people tours for 4 hours.  I can guarantee that I'm not cooking supper.



  1. I LOVE that quilt! It's wonderful!! You must've had so much fun giving house tours too!!

  2. How cool that your mom won! :o) That is one of my most favorite quilts. I just love it! The house tours sound like lots of fun, too. :o)
