
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Not Just Quilting Right Now

My daughter and her boyfriend are visiting this week.  It has not just rained, but also poured most of their visit.  We are making the best of it, though.  Today I had a luncheon that I needed to attend, so I drove them down to Waikiki to spend the day.  I went to pick them up afterwards and they pointed out how Hawaii 5-0 was being filmed right there on the beach.

Do you watch the show?  If so, you will easily recognize Scott Caan (as Danny "Danno" Williams) and Daniel Dae Kim (Chin Ho Kelly).  I have to admit that I was pretty excited.  I even got to walk by in the background, and my daughter and her boyfriend got to sit on the beach for a scene.  Too cool!


  1. Why are the hot guys on the beach fully clothed???? That's just wrong! :o)

  2. Wow! That is so cool! We were right there last filming going on then though.

  3. Hi JoAnne! Just wanted to let you know I've put you on my list for the Liebster Blog Award:

  4. Ooh, Lucky! One of the things I like the most about that show, besides the adorable leading men, is all the shots of beautiful Hawaii. Must be lovely to live there.
